The Vintage Laundry

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Happy Sweet Sixteen

On October 25, 1993, my life was changed forever. On this day at 11:27 a.m. I became a Mommy. Nine months earlier my husband and I had gone out to celebrate our 6-month anniversary as newlyweds. Turns out that what comes right after a plate of green chili enchiladas and one too many frozen margaritas, followed by a Mambo around the dance floor in a pink velvet sombrero is . . . . A baby!

When I was preggers with my first child, I totally took advantage of my condition and played the "eat everything that doesn't move out of your way card." The final trimester of my pregnancy I weighed the rough estimate of a Cadillac Escalade. I began each of my remaining weeks dropping by my OBGYN's office pleading for an inducement because I felt that the baby was getting too big and if I bumped into a sharp object I might burst into flames, Hindenburg style. This request was met with the accusation that I had just gained too much weight and the baby weighed 7 lbs. at the most. So, needless to say, when my doctor handed me our 10 lb 5 oz. baby girl type-person I got the pleasure of an "I told you so" moment and I recall throwing in a "Bite Me!" just for funzzies. This was a period of my life where I felt that peppering in phrases like "bite me!", empowered me somehow. Okay, so I was on the wrong side of that argument, but at the time and given the situation, I felt justified.

I shared that story, to tell you this one - My baby girl type-person, Olivia, is celebrating her sweet 16th birthday on Sunday. This year we are using words like driving and college around our house. Those words used in the same sentence with my daughter's name make my brains want to start pouring out of my ears. It seems like just last week I was telling her to take her binky out of her mouth so that I could understand what she was saying and playing "Beath-ed" - which is how 'beast' sounds when one has a pacifier in one's mouth. "Beath-ed" was what Olivia called her favorite-est "moobie" in the "word" - Beauty and the Beast. Usually her Daddy played the part of the Beast and I was cast as Mrs. Potts or Lumiere. (If given the choice. I usually chose to be the slender candlestick with a great French accent instead of the Ruben-esque tea pot - I'm vain like that.)

I adore every thing about you, my darlin girl, and on that you can count, for the rest of your days! I will never care if you know someone who knows someone, if you are an A-list, a B-list or a "Never-heard-of-you" list. What I will always love and care about are each and every word, thought. and idea that flutters from your extraordinary mind. Ever since the first day that I'd known about you, I couldn't wait to meet you, and with each additional year, your beauty, your talents, and your aspirations grow. I am overwhelmed by the love I have for you.

Happy Birthday you precious jewel, I love you to pieces! (you meeces!)

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